
Allergies are often improved/resolved with chiropractic care. Many allergic and asthmatic reactions are caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system and/or respiratory system. Researchers have found that the immune and respiratory systems depend on normal communication from the brain and spinal cord to control and coordinate their functions properly.

Therefore, if your neck is subluxated, it could cause an imbalance in your nervous system function. This upper cervical (neck) misalignment causes nerve irritation that produces or exaggerates asthmatic and allergic symptoms. For example; many asthma and allergy sufferers experienced traumas such as head injuries, auto accidents, or falls which could have injured their upper cervical spines. The good news is that we can perform an upper cervical examination to determine how chiropractic care can reduce your allergic and asthmatic reactions. Schedule an appointment today!

At Jenkins Family Chiropractic, we put our entire focus
on helping people heal completely, perform maximally,
and experience life and vitality to the fullest.

Office Hours

Monday 9:30am- 12:30pm 3:00pm- 6:00pm
Tuesday Closed 3:00pm- 6:00pm
Wednesday 9:30am- 12:30pm 3:00pm- 6:00pm
Thursday Closed 3:00pm- 6:00pm
Friday 9:00am- 12:00pm Closed
Saturday By Appointment Closed
Sunday Closed Closed