Clearview Sanitarium
In 1926, B.J. Palmer opened a Chiropractic psychiatric hospital known as Clear View Sanitarium. It was the most famous of all the Chiropractic Sanitariums for mental disorders and was in existence for 35 years. Most people are unaware of the benefits of Chiropractic for mental dis-ease. Clear View Sanitarium was located in Davenport Iowa, the birthplace of Chiropractic (where his father D.D. Palmer restored a man’s hearing via adjustment and discovered Chiropractic in 1895).
At Clear View, cases of schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar disorders were all treated with incredible results. B.J. had medical doctors on staff at Clear View in order to help wean patients from their medications as he and his Chiropractic staff identified their Subluxations and started correcting them with highly successful results. The cases consisted of approximately 65% schizophrenia, 15% manic-depressive, and 20% other nervous and mental disorders.